

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses        66 steaming   deg. F   :-)
We have just finished preparing  more cassettes of the World Parkinson's
Day WHOM-FM radio broadcast in which I was able to be the interviewee.

It includes comments on questions from a live studio interview
that were quite tricky about Muhmmad Ali , Michael J. Fox,
and Janet Reno.  Running time is 29 mins.

It was listened to by Mr. Fox's and Mr. Ali's people, but
i had no luck so far reaching Ms. Reno's people.  StilI, I
think it is worthy of your connsideration.

 It has most recently been sent to several Canadians, like Anne
Rutherford.  Earlier copies went to Greg Sterling, Sonia Neilsen, Sylvia
 Camilla Flintermann, Susan Reese---just to name a few who
have a copy.  It is especially good for support group discussion,
as my host asked many intriguing and revealing questions.

Ivan Suzman