

Hey guys, lets review the bidding as we used to say in the rathskeller at the
University of Wisconsin many, many, many years ago. There was a thread with
magnets, mangoes, flamingos and the like which seemed to be never ending so I
had the audacity to suggest that it belonged on Sparkle. All the sowers
(sewers?) or at least most all, posted to the list to berate me for the
suggestion talking (with venom in some cases) of the love and companionship
which the list promotes by allowing anybody and everybody to speak their
mind, not particularly noticing at the time that their messages to me
inviting me to quit the list if I didn't like their messages seemed to be
excluding me from the 'everybody' category without so much as a nod to the
hypocrisy thereby involved. Properly chastened, I forbore responding in kind
knowing as an aside that if I did, I would have my head handed to me in
minute by minute one-liners with the odd three paragraph invective thrown in
for a change of pace. A week or two later, I wrote suggesting that the list
needed peace since a new thread had started against Janet's cd/suicide
postings by the magnet/mango/flamingo/anything I post is ok and shut up about
it and anything you post is subject to my censorship and review and ultimate
criticism/ people. Much to my surprise the true took and lasted about 1/2
hour or maybe longer. I was too giddy to count. Not only had I succeeded in
engendering a half hour truce (never mind it was practically the middle of
the night and no one was posting anyway), but I had also defended Janet
(whose repartee is perfectly capable of self defense and occasionally self
immolation) which was surprising since I too had felt the rapier slice of her
pen (finger?) over time. As is her wont (and right, by the way) she thanked
me by including me in her first post on Paul Ayers not quite tarring me with
the same brush since I am who I am what I am without much ambiguity, but
nonetheless managing to cast a pejorative aspersion without actually framing
an accusation. Then the fantasy about Paul Ayers turns out to be just that
and he gets an abject apology more than once which I guess removes him from
whatever the first post was all about, but leaving me dangling damned by
attachment with the attachment removed. In limbo. Stateless, as it were.
Accused of an unspecified crime by association with an accomplice who has
since been vindicated. Somehow, I don't think I'm getting my money's worth.
So here goes. I'm going to vent and when I'm done I'll consider us even. But
will YOU! Attaboy. Attagirl. Thanks. You're welcome. Loved what you said.
Thanks. You're welcome. Don't mention it. Mention what? Whatever is was you
mentioned - I forget. That's ok. Love is what it's all about. Oh I agree.
Thanks. You're welcome. ATTAPERSON! Anyone who feels that reading this was an
enormous waste of their time, please know that I agree with you. But why
should just a noisy few have that privilege. Wasting other people's time
unnecessarily is our birthright. Time wasting is us.

Affectionately, waiting with anticipation for the heartfelt responses,

Paul H. Lauer