

Hey Marjorie,
Here are many hugs, prayers and best wishes for you my friend.  As for the abouts I lend you my guardian angel for a bit?  He's very
experienced and I'm sure He'd be relieved to look out for someone besides me
for a change.  ;O)  Let me know how it goes.

"Marjorie L. Moorefield" wrote:

> I go for an MRI on my neck tomorrow.
> I can no longer turn my head to the left but about 05º and
> to the right about 20º. Which makes driving very dangerous,
> and since my husband can no longer drive, its up to me.
> We won't even discuss the headaches this has caused.
> Believe it or not, magnets don't do a thing to my neck, just
> my knee and elbow.
> The 83 year old lady, in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida,
> who was hit by another car,and sent on a flying
> leap off I-595 the other night?  I'm sure everyone in the world
> has heard about her by now, that is less than 5 road miles ,
> about 2.5 miles as the crow flies, from my house. That is the route
> I had to take to the library twice daily.
> I-595 was at the top of my list of reasons to retire this year.
> I no longer felt safe driving to or from work, and that was before
> this neck problem too.
> All of my good cyber support friend, please keep your
> fingers crossed for me.
> just me,
> Marjorie