

"WWII shell shock", not "WWII shell shot". Dumb computer don't know how to
type! Maybe it needs a "shot"!

> ----------
> From:         Hawkins, Darwin
> Sent:         Wednesday, August 23, 2000 2:05 PM
> Subject:      Re: Non PD? - Vivid Dream?
> Got my chuckle for today with Greg last sentence.
> Do weird things happen because there is "space" between your ears?
> Yep, weird things happen even if the "space" is occupied!
> Off this topic, but in a way related to the space between your ears. Take
> it
> from me folks, I've personally had to deal life long with mental illness
> in
> my immediate family (father, wife, WWII shell shot brother in law and  a
> couple of other "weird" in-laws (bound to have 'em in a family of 13
> kids).
> Those that tried to point out to Janet that she needed to seek some
> outside
> assistance/ counseling were right on target. My experience is that the
> last
> person to realize (if they ever do) that help is needed is the one needing
> the help. To them the rest of the world is wrong, their world is real and
> you can never convince them otherwise no matter how hard you try. That's a
> sad reality, and the more you love and care for someone the worse it
> hurts.
> > ----------
> > From:         Greg Sterling[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> > Sent:         Wednesday, August 23, 2000 1:36 PM
> > Subject:      Re: Non PD? - Vivid Dream?
> >
> > David,
>         - - - -  All sorts of weird things can happen in that space
> between
> your ears.- - -