

Greg, you (accidently) hit one of my "hot" buttons with your post - from
what I read of jes' post, the store owner thought his life was in danger,
and in the dark, shot an intruder who was in the process of burgarlizing his
store. That would be life threatening, not property protection.  I currently
do NOT own a pistol, matter of fact, I don't even have any firearms at all
in my home, but I do think it is every person's right to own and bear arms.
When the constitution was written,  the primary firearms available were
muzzle loaders and flintlock rifles - the most advanced firearms of the day.
I personally have no use for an uzi, or any other type of automatic weapon -
but if you do, I think you should have the right to own it AS LONG AS YOU
USE/CARE FOR IT IN A RESPONSIBLE MANNER.  I know you only mentioned handgun
control, but (imo) whatever firearm you wish to own should be up to you.
Now, for my really big pet peeve.  I believe ANYONE who "accidently" shoots
another human being because "He/she didn't know the gun was loaded" should
immediately be imprisoned for murder - what in the sam hell was he doing
pointing a weapon at anything he didn't intend to shoot?  Sorry to rant, but
as a hunter/gun safety instructor for the past 15? years, this has to be one
of my all time aggrivations.  Why some people assume they can "play" with
hand guns .... arg, I'll sign off and shut up now, thanks for letting me
bob aka tex
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