

Ben - I don't know how long you've been on the list, but David Boots is a
very intelligent, articulate individual, who is able to express him-
self eloquently.  He does have a special personality, but those of us who
read him overlook that because of his writings.

Janet has attacked him unmercifully many,  many times.  She attcked him,
then Me, then David, then Greg, then David, then Paul, then David.  I
became incensed and I'm afraid I acted hoprribly.  I
also became angry when she posted a note from Barbara K, which Barbara
sent to her personally and said this is just for you.  She truly was not
acting like herself, and many people were concerned for her.  I wasn't, I
was angry.

It took numerous complaints before the owner of the list asked her to
cease and desist.  She did NOT ask her to leave the list, she did it on
her own.  However, I can almost promise you she has not left the list.
She probably is ;using one of her many aliases.  She threatened to do
this ;two other times since I've been on, and got back on in less than 14
days.  One time she came on and mentioned something that was posted, so
we knew she had been monitoring.

Now, Ben, I promised myself I would back off, because I did say some very
unsavory things, but I wanted you to know why so many people came
forward.  Some out of concern, some out of disgust and some out of anger.
 Please just wait awhkile.  She'll be back.
Jo Ann from Houston