

Got my chuckle for today with Greg last sentence.

Do weird things happen because there is "space" between your ears?

Yep, weird things happen even if the "space" is occupied!

Off this topic, but in a way related to the space between your ears. Take it
from me folks, I've personally had to deal life long with mental illness in
my immediate family (father, wife, WWII shell shot brother in law and  a
couple of other "weird" in-laws (bound to have 'em in a family of 13 kids).
Those that tried to point out to Janet that she needed to seek some outside
assistance/ counseling were right on target. My experience is that the last
person to realize (if they ever do) that help is needed is the one needing
the help. To them the rest of the world is wrong, their world is real and
you can never convince them otherwise no matter how hard you try. That's a
sad reality, and the more you love and care for someone the worse it hurts.

> ----------
> From:         Greg Sterling[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent:         Wednesday, August 23, 2000 1:36 PM
> Subject:      Re: Non PD? - Vivid Dream?
> David,
        - - - -  All sorts of weird things can happen in that space between
your ears.- - -