

Hi Greg--- thanks for this info---I think being informed about the
different candidates' positions is very important--that's NOT the same as
telling people how to vote, but is the approach the League of Women Voters
And BTW, the LWV also has male members---have you thought of joining your
local group? You'd be welcome!

>The CBS Evening new reported last night that Gore is in favor of stem cell
>research involving human embryos and Bush is against it and will overturn
>Pres.Clinton's recent approval.  I don't care who is elected President in
>Nov., but I will not vote for anyone that wishes to prolong the suffering
>of the living because of their ignorance regarding stem cell research.  It
>makes no sense to me why someone would approve the carrying of concealed
>firearms, enthusiastically support the death penalty, and then worry about
>their religious convictions in trying save cells in a discarded embryo.
>Go figure.

        Camilla Flintermann               <[log in to unmask]>

        On PDWebring at :

         "You must *be* the change you wish to see in the world" - Gandhi