

LIKE A PLACEBO - How Estrogen Gained a Healthy Skepticism

IT seemed so clear a decade ago. Hormone replacement therapy would protect
women's hearts after menopause. After all, their risk of heart disease
rises in middle age, around the time their ovaries stop making estrogen.

And there was indirect evidence that the drug was working: women who chose
to take it lived longer and had less heart disease than those who did not.
There even was a biological reason. Estrogen makes a woman's total
cholesterol level drop; it reduces the levels of LDL cholesterol, the bad
actor, while raising levels of HDL cholesterol, which protects against
heart disease.

"All the elements were in place for estrogen to protect against heart
disease," said Dr. Deborah Grady, a professor of medicine and epidemiology
at the University of California in San Francisco. She and other experts
were so persuaded that they wrote a set of widely adopted guidelines for
the American College of Physicians recommending that women at high risk of
heart disease take estrogen after menopause.

But new data show that even the best-intentioned analysis can go astray
relying on indirect evidence.

Last week, the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine published a
report of a study on whether estrogen taken alone or combined with the
hormone methoxyprogesterone can retard heart disease in women whose
arteries were already narrowing. It was one of the first truly rigorous
studies of the estrogen hypothesis. The women in the study were randomly
assigned to take hormone replacement therapy or go without; they were
followed for three years.

Such studies avoid a pitfall of those that simply observe who chooses to
take or go without a drug. Often, those who take a drug differ
significantly from those who do not. Women who take estrogen are better
educated, wealthier and more concerned about their health, all associated
with less heart disease.

As it turned out, no estrogen effect ever emerged. The study participants'
arteries narrowed by the same amount whether they took a placebo, estrogen
or estrogen plus methoxyprogesterone.

The study was the second blow to the estrogen hypothesis. Recently another
similarly randomized study concluded that women with heart disease who were
assigned the hormone had the same rate of heart attacks, including
fatalities, as those women with heart disease who took placebos.

For the millions of women reaching menopause, the real question is: what
happens if you don't have heart disease yet? Will estrogen offer protection
from the leading killer of Americans?

That answer is not yet in. A federal study of 25,000 healthy women assigned
estrogen at random will not be completed until around 2006. But, some say,
the signs so far are not promising.

Ordinarily, drugs and behavior changes, like diets and exercise, are tested
first in people who already have the disease in question. Every time
treatments have slowed a disease in people who are already ill, they have
prevented the disease in people who are well. Is it possible for a drug,
like estrogen, to fail to protect sick people and yet prevent disease in
the healthy? If so, it would be a first, researchers suspect.

Dr. Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, a professor of preventive and family medicine
at the University of California in San Diego, said she has been looking for
an example of a drug that prevents heart disease but does not slow its

"I always ask whenever I have a group of cardiologists in the room, 'Can
you give me the name of a medication that is good for the primary
prevention of heart disease but not for the secondary prevention?' " she
said. "I have not gotten an answer."

The federal study of the 25,000 healthy women has hit a snag. In April, its
directors informed the participants that there was a slight trend in the
data toward more heart disease and strokes in those taking estrogen. While
the trend could turn around, it does not bode well for the study, some say.

Now that they know more about estrogen, researchers say, it is sounding
reasonable that the hormone would not protect women's hearts after all. The
hormone turns out to have many effects, some that might protect the blood
vessels and the heart, others that might promote heart disease. The hormone
lowers LDL cholesterol, but promotes clotting, a leading factor in heart
attacks and strokes. It raises HDL cholesterol, but also raises levels of
C-reactive protein, which is associated with inflammation. There is
increasing evidence that inflammation contributes to heart disease.

Of course, the estrogen story is not finished yet. For women with heart
disease, most experts would agree with Dr. Nanette Wenger, a cardiologist
at Emory University. "Women with established heart disease should not use
estrogen," she said. For healthy women, she added, "the final chapter is
not yet written."

The heart disease story is also a lesson in scientific evidence, experts
said. As scientists and the public seize upon indirect evidence for other
effects, like the current hope that estrogen may prevent Alzheimer's, they
might do well to remember how clear estrogen's effects on the heart once
appeared. "We thought it was very likely that heart disease risk would be
reduced and that therefore those most at risk should take estrogen," Dr.
Grady said. "Now, I think that's wrong."

Copyright 2000 The New York Times Company

janet paterson
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