

Hi Kelly---don't take it too personally--this has been a recurring source
of discussion for years.....
in general, a reasonable (??) amount of humor etc. is welcomed by most
members, who feel it lightens their load, is a relief from a steady diet of
medical posts, etc.  We hope to keep a good balance,  & to try to do the
impossible---please everyone!   SPARKLE was started when there seemed to be
an overload of silliness, jokes, pigs, etc. (long before flamingoes) .
The MOST  important thing is for ALL of us to try to use NON-PD for subject
headings---we can add HUMOR, or other identifying titles as well.  I didn't
save your joke, but I think I chuckled over it---not sure if you headed it
"NON-PD--HUMOR" though.    Hope this clarifies a little--it's a grey area
for sure. Look at all the time we've just spent arguing re: sexist humor !

>Howdy folks,
>Below is the message I came home to after work today........
>Since it was sent to me and not the group, my question I the only
>one being asked not to send NON PD posts?????
>Am I wrong to assume that if someone doesn't like the heading they see -
>they can use their delete button?
>Kelly in Calgary
>----- Original Message -----
>From: David Boots <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 10:10 AM
>Subject: NON PD humor
>> While your intentions are good, daily non-PD humor items are usually found
>> in SPARKLE and not on the P-I-E-N-O list.
>> Please try and post PD-related items (others will insist they have the
>> right, etc.)....that's why I look at the List.
>> -David (fellow PD-traveler)

        ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>

     On PDWebring at :

                          Laughter--    :-)   :-)
                             the best medecine !