

Greg, aside from politics. I believe that
though everyone has a right to their opinion . NO ONE has the right to
tell me what I can or cannot do with or to my body. If I were still
childbearing age if
I were to become pregnant , no man
in my opinion would have the right to tell me that I can or cannot abort
what is growing in my body. As for stem cell research. There is no
plausible reason
that those frozen embryos not be used to further research and possibly
save many lives.
This is one subject that infuriates me.
 People spout off their mouths, tell half truths and in some cases just
plain lies.
All in the name of MORAL RIGHT!
Please give us the right to make our own choices. Government needs to
cleanup their act before they dictate to US what is
right.and moral.
Sorry to sound off like this.I just feel that research for cures for
dreadful diseases
should be allowed to use these cells that will other wise be tossed. Hit
your congressional reps with a barrage of mail.
Juanita CG for George 74/71/64
Greg, I just reread this. I am agreeing with you. Not ranting AT you.
Please do not feel that I amin anyway disagreeing with you on the
stemcell issue. I DO AGREE WITH YOU!