

David's note is typical of so called 'open minded' people who claim that
"don't confuse me with facts, my mind is made up".  I prefer to look at
the voting record of each candidate in Congress and go from there.  I
also try to correlate that record with the promises they are making out
Lieberman will never vote against his faith and conscience, no matter
whose values!


davidmeigs wrote:

> I, like Greg have come from the "less government is better" ideology in my past.  I too have (begun to) see(n) the plight of those who must endure the  hardships of disability.  It has really made me stop and think.  (if a insomniac at 4 am can think)
> I'm sorry though, I just cant see myself believing ANYTHING Gore has to say. I used to be fond of Lieberman, because of his consistency to his values.  Lieberman changed all his "core values" for "Gore values", to be VP.   etc.,
> etc., etc.