

i disagree.
it is your choice, greg.
i used to live in a country where freedom of speech was not automatic.
neither was freedom to listen.
And that is the great freedom you possess, greg
be proud of the tradition you have grown up in
 that gives  janet the freedom to say what she will
 but gives you the freedom to ignore it.
that is what your delete button is for.
the freedom NOT to listen
-even to me.
as janet herself is so fond of (mis)quoting,,
'i disagree with much that she has to say,
but i'll defend (to the death)_
her right to say  it.

freedom of speech is a precious gift.
dont waste it........please.


Greg Sterling wrote:
> Janet,
> There is no need for you to sign off of the list.  Just try to get a grip on your sharp comments and paranoia.  It's your choice.
> Greg
> 47/35/35