

This is totally NON-PD, but I think we could all use something completely
different right about now.
My niece has twin boys who will be six next month and they are wonderful,
adorable, sweet and very smart little boys.  Can you tell I'm a doting
auntie?  Anyway, Christopher thinks they ought to be on "Kids Say the
Darndest Things" because, in his words, "I'm a kid and I always say the
darndest things" and they really do.  Their Mom heard them playing one day
and Tom told his brother, "The angels live in the sky with the stars, and the
moon is the front door to heaven".  He also told his Mother "I know why Jesus
died. He died so we wouldn't have to because nails hurt"
When I told one of my Sunday school kids what he said about the angels and
the moon, he said "Cool.  I'm going to get a rocket ship and go up to the sky
and get out and open the door and go in."  This from another six year old.
Wouldn't it be nice to be that innocent and that imaginative again?
As I said, this is totally NON-PD, but Marjorie's post reminded me of it and
I thought I'd share something positive.