

dear michel
     thank you for correctly reading the constitution. i have been saying
this for years. if a
 person feels the necessity to own a gun then let them join the state
militia or national guard
     i would never allow any fire arm in my can't have an accident
with a gun if there
is not a gun in the house.

   my personal knowledge of guns is
             1 -  one of my moms brother-in-law after a party decided to
scare  hisbrother-in-law Tiny.
outcome    Sammy went by Tiny and wife's bedroom and rattled the window..
Tiny half asleep
 heard the noise -thought it was a burgler and aimed his gun and fired.
thankfully bullet hit
Sammy in the arm and didn't kill him. Tiny got rid of his gun .
          2 -  one of our boys at age7 was visiting his aunt in las vegas.
he played with a boy
 next door  and suddenly came running to his aunt and said that the boy
invited our kenny into
his house to show our boy something. he took kenny into a closet and climbed
up on some boxes
and showed our boy his daddy's gun bragging that daddy was a guard. kenny
knew we told
them never to touch any gun. thank fully he told auntie who then went to
speak to neighbors who
were in the house and didn't even hear the kids. the father said he didn't
realise his boy knew
where re kept the gun on a top shelf.
     3 -  a neighbor of ours that thought he was quite a hunter and laughed
at jack cause jack
wouldn't go hunting.  after a successful hunt when friend walked into his
yard the gate bumped
his rifle which he must have been pulling it along the barrell because he
shot himself in his butt.
of course i told him he got what he deserved for being so stupid.
    4 -  a 20 year old son of my cousin killed himself. his father actually
bought him the gun and
never told the boys mother that he had given the boy a few lessons. the
young man had been
 upset when he spoke to his mother so she told him she would drive over to
see him.she had
car trouble and got there about an hour late to find her boy dead. she
called the police thinking
a burglar had done it.  the police said it looked like suicide but his
mother insisted he didn't
have a gun.  his father came from out of town and accused the police of not
investigating a
crime.  took a year before the parents to accept that it was suicide. very
sad case.
     to this day i still feel the same. i don't say  guns should be totally
outlawed. if you need a gun
so be it but stay out of my house with it.  we have lost too many young
people from guns something
must be done. parents must be held responsible for the crimes of their
children and also be
 punished  with them when their kids cause harm or loss of life.
      okay thats my soap box speech
                     why isn't is easier to spread love instead of hate is
beyond me.

> The Constitution, according to my reading, clearly stipulates that the
> MILITIA may bear arms, not individuals....not even if you have PD.
> Love
> Michel