

On August 27, 2000, at 10:36 PM, Robert A. Fink, M. D. wrote:

> Nope.  I will never "lighten up" when it comes to this kind of humor.
> The only thing that is worse than sexism/racism is hypocrisy.  Try and
> tell an anti-female joke in front of your co-workers.  You could lose
> your job in an instant.
> The "joke" advocates and excuses *physical violence* against a human
> being.

Unfortunately, you are right.  I use the word "unfortunately" because folks
have gotten far too sensitive.  There is almost nothing any of us can say
that won't offend someone.  Isn't it a bit crazy that people accept violence
and sexist "stuff" on TV and in movies (pure fiction), but become
immediately offended by a joke (pure fantasy) with the same elements.
Regardless, that's the way the world is.  And, people do lose their jobs
over this type of thing even though they may not have had malicious motives.
I guess the problem is that it is very difficult to know where to draw the
line - -  what elements cause a joke to become offensive?  The answer,
therefore, is that it must not offend anyone at all.

Dave Bergford
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