

no--i wasn't jesting.

i wish i were

there is an ethics committee in congress.
maybe all they do is review if law/guidelines are being followed.
i'lll say no more until i can look in to it.

i was just raisiing the issue of what philosophical basis is defined for these
my feeling is that you are right...
then i feel like we're in big trouble.

probably it is really an assumption that
religion  equals  philosophy

and it doesn't

alsao, there is an assumption that
religion equals christianity

and it doesn't

maybe it does, if one is a republican
or in the majority
but, respect should be paid to the minorities
even in a democracy where majority rules

there will be a bloodless revolution on election day
if that is what the majority wants
but, it doesn't guarantee that the majority is always right.

sorry if i just opened another can of worms

i think our democracy is great
it is however good to look deeper

why has this issue been such a hangup?

researchers have been afraid to touch stem / cell lines derived from
pre-existing cultures since the 80's

i know
i was there

i'm not talking about newly derived material
i think a lot of pre-existing cell lines have been dumped/wasted
afraid to touch them for fearof losing institutional funding from NIH
just to make room for active projects
liquid nitrogen is expensive
no money
no liquid nitrogen
no cells

[log in to unmask] wrote:

> Our government making logical decisions on ethical issues -- surely you jest,
> my friend.  Ethics gets caught up in too many other considerations, like,
> "what's in it for me?"
>                                 Don Penny, [log in to unmask]

                    Ray Strand
     mailto:[log in to unmask]
            48/47 dx/40 ?onset
The fight against Parkinson's Disease

...on the edge of the prairie abyss ......................