

Hi Everyone,

I am a new subscriber to this list and so please excuse me if the questions
I ask have been answered before.

After approximately 6 years of gradual deterioration, my father was
diagnosed with PD 3 weeks ago.    In looking back the family had been
observing the symptoms for at least 5 years but, with no history of PD in
the family, were ignorant of the cause and had put the deterioration down to
old age.  (my father is 90 years old)

After doing some research on the Internet I have found some excellent
information and am now familiar enough with the disease to, at least, start
asking the right questions and being able to understand the answers.
During the 6 years or so that my dad has had PD he has seen at least 3
different Doctors and none of them diagnosed the problem and so I have
become a bit wary of the medical profession.    Perhaps the lack of
diagnosis was due to the fact that my dad is in the 25% or so of PWP who do
not exhibit tremors.

He was correctly diagnosed when he was admitted to hospital and has
commenced taking Sinemet.    Even though he is still on a low dosage the
improvement in a week has been quite remarkable and his voice is louder, he
is walking much better and can straighten up properly.  The medical staff at
the hospital believe that they will be able to establish the correct dosage
within the next two weeks and he will be able to go home and lead a
reasonably normal life (considering his age of course)

There are a couple of symptoms that he has, however, and I am unclear
whether they relate to the PD or to something else.

The first one is that, prior to him being diagnosed with PD, my dad had what
could only be described as "Off' days where he seemed to lose control of
most of the muscles in his body.   I have read about PD patients having such
"Off" days but it is not clear to me whether this is a symptom of the PD or
of the medication used to treat PD.    Clearly if it is a symptom of the
medication only then his 'Off' days prior to him commencing medication must
have been caused by something else (Possibly a TIA)

The second symptom, which I have found one reference to, is that of a skin
rash which was associated with his 'Off' days.    The skin rash, which
covered a fair percentage of his body, disappeared after about 24 hours but
was very irritating while he had it.    If this also a symptom of the

I am trying to understand as much as I can about the disease and so would
appreciate someone either answering the questions directly or pointing me to
a suitable reference source.
