

Janet wrote:

"the only thing
that is real is love
that is what we are"

A source I have read with a similar message, in speaking of the fact that
perfect Love (God) makes nothing destructible, summarized its statement
of ultimate truth like this:

"Nothing real can be threatened,
nothing unreal exists,
herein lies the peace of God."

Janet's post reminded me of a story I once heard that goes like this:

Two young fish were swimming along one day when they happened upon a wise
old guru fish.  The wise one said, "Isn't the water wonderful today

The two youngsters looked at each other and one asked the other, "What is
water?"  The other youngster shrugged his gills and off they swam in
search of the water.  They looked and looked, but never found it.

In looking high and low the youngsters never realized they were always in
the water, and that without it they could not exist.  As long as we
wander around looking for where the Water is kept, reading about it in
books or asking some spiritual adviser we will be like the little fish.
The EXPERIENCE of water comes, I believe, to a thirsty mind that listens.
