

michael frederic wrote:  "My Dad takes Mirapax.  I didn't
find it on the list, but does it have another name?"

The chemical in question is called pramipexole [lower case
p]; the manufacturer calls it Mirapex [upper cases M].

There is a type of PD meds known as dopamine agonists. They
come in two groups.

(1)  The 'old' or 'first generation' agonists ARE 'ergot
derivatives'; this group includes bromocriptine (Parlodel),
pergolide (Permax), lisuride, cabergoline.

(2)  The 'new' or 'second generation' agonists ARE NOT
'ergot derivatives'; this group includes pramipexole
(Mirapex), ropinirole (Requip), and apomorphine.

Mirapex is not in the list because it is not an ergot

Ben Winter 66/66/64
Victoria BC Canada