

Jeannette and PIENfamily,

Right or wrong, it is those words,
he used, that I have to cope with.  Thank you
for supporting me, Jeannette.

  Somehow I
hope that I can avoid the episodes of hypothermic
paralysis that can come over me in literally
two or thre seconds.  Then I am really at
God's mercy if noone is around, and some-
times I can't move at all.


On Thu, 7 Sep 2000 08:01:24 -0500 Leo Fuhr <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> List family,
> Ivan said in part:
> >
>   My 45-ish family doctor has just used the
> to describe my symptoms.  THIS is
> truly  challenging, something I must
> give  considerable thought
> to, then try to forget about, and only then,
> try to beat it back by living VERY mindfully.
> It seems that Ivan has done what anyone who is told depressing
> information
> about his/her health must do.  He has thought about it, decided to
> not
> dwell on it, and has pushed the information to the back of his
> thoughts and
> is still LIVING, and DOING the things he determines are MOST
> necessary to
> his living.  IE, still advocating for those disabled by PD, still
> singing
> or doing the things he enjoys, still asking questions, still being
> the Ivan
> we have come to know through this forum.
> Keep on living, coping, questioning, advocating Ivan!  Your doctor
> was just
> giving you his opinion on what for him might have been a "bad" day.
> Who
> knows, on that particular day you might have been in a bad "off"
> during the
> dr visit.
> Hang in there,
> Jeanette Fuhr 49/47/44?

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses           deg. F   :-)