

Hi All - I think I've said this before, but maybe at this stage of the
game it bears repeating.  My love was dx'd with PD in 1997, PSP in 1998
and CBGD in 1999, so I belong to all three listserves, plus CG and
another "specialty" list from which I derive a great deal of
benefit.  NONE   and I repeat  NONE of the other lists, act like the PD
list.  Some of us here act like spoiled brats, some I feel just sit at
their machine, waiting to see something so they can pounce on someone.
It's as if some of us have nothing else to do and our lives are so boring
that we have to "start" something to get a charge
from it.  Now, I'm not as articulate as Audrey from Seattle, nor as
profound as Bill Parrette,  but I just can't believe adults would act
this way.  I, personally, became irate with only one person because of
what I felt were injustices, but to sit and pick and pick is more
like kindergarten children.  Don't you think it's time we acted like
adults?  Jo Ann from Houston