

Dear Listfriends,
My friend Leonard Casavant, a proactive and enterprising
gentleman with PD (who I met at the PD symposium in Toledo),
has sought and received a series of one-hour radio time
slots that will feature Parkinson's disease. He has also
sought out some excellent guest speakers who will appear on
each program. The time slot is Sundays at 6:00 pm eastern
standard time USA.

The program is aired on two radio stations, but now is also
ACCESSIBLE OVER THE INTERNET, via "streaming," meaning that
you can listen to the radio program over your computer.

To access go to:

Renaissance Radio

On the left side of the screen, click "Hear KFNX LIVE."

This will bring up a small screen, which may take some time
to download. You should then be able to hear the radio
program that is currently airing. For additional help,
please contact North American Broadcasting Company at:

        [log in to unmask]

Len's upcoming featured speakers are:
September 10 -- Dr. Anthony Lang, world-renowned neurologist
                and PD specialist from Toronto
September 17 -- Robin Elliott, Parkinson Disease Foundation
September 24 -- Nancy Abrams and Brenda Tucker from PLWP.
September 24 -- Parkinson's Unity Walk and Margot Sobel.
October 1    -- Kathrynne Holden, registered dietitian,
                specialist in nutrition for PD

The program is seeking sponsors, so if you know of any
companies that might be willing to help fund the series,
please contact Len Casavant at:

            [log in to unmask]

I will update the listserv as I receive new information.

My very best regards,

Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
Author: "Eat well, stay well with Parkinson's disease"
"Constipation and Parkinson's" --  audiocassette & guidebook
"Guidelines for Medical Nutrition Therapy for Parkinson's
     & Risk Assessment Tools
"Risk for malnutrition and bone fracture in Parkinson's
     J Nutr Elderly. V18:3;1999.