

These statistics are much greater than I had preciously heard for the
likelihood that one will get PD. It seems to me that I had heard a figure of
1 in 300 for people over 65. Can anyone else confirm what numbers we have
heard before.

Also I don't think I had ever heard such grim forecasts for the medication
used to control PD. Is it really this bad?

Quoting from this article.

"Parkinson's -- marked by episodes of freezing, lack of motor control,
and eventual paralysis -- affects an estimated 500,000 to 1 million
Americans, globally affecting about one out of every 100 people over the
age of 65 and one in 50 over 80 years old.

There is no cure, and treatments only last a few years before they start
adding to the debilitating symptoms."

Lanier Maddux       Chattanooga Tn.

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