

Hello Maryse and all,

Thanks to the Judith post we now may say let us drink more coffee.....  ;-))

Judith Richards wrote:

> Parkinson's May Affect Nerves Outside Brain
>  By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Correspondent
> WASHINGTON, September 4, 2000 (Reuters) - Parkinson's disease, caused by
> the loss of certain brain cells, may affect nerves throughout other
> organs of the body, researchers said on Monday.
> The discovery may affect the way the disease is treated and eventually
> lead to understanding what causes it, Dr. David Goldstein of the
> National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke (NINDS) said.The
> discovery might open ways to find the underlying cause of
> Parkinson's, and might explain the unusual finding that heavy coffee
> drinkers seem to have a lower rate of Parkinson's, Goldstein said.
> Norepinephrine and dopamine are both part of the same family of
> chemicals, called catecholamines -- as is a component of coffee called
> caffeic acid.
> All three compounds -- dopamine, norepinephrine and caffeic acid -- are
> broken down in the body by an enzyme called COMT.
> "Suppose somebody drank a lot of coffee. That person is taking in a lot
> of caffeic acid," Goldstein said, stressing that this theory is
> completely unsupported by any scientific studies.
> "This cathecholamine could compete for COMT with ... dopamine and
> norepinephrine."
> That would mean that, instead of getting rid of norepinephrine and
> dopamine, COMT could be tied up with the caffeic acid. This would make
> more of the two neurotransmitters available in the body and might
> explain why coffee could protect against Parkinson's, Goldstein said.

Joao Paulo - Salvador,BA,Brazil
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