

On reading this...I can't help but wonder if this is
connected to the "chest pain" that has on occassion
sent a few Parkies [including me sister] to the emergency
room? My sister thought she was having a heart attack,
went to the ER and her heart was checked out as fine.
Just makes me wonder.


Gail Vass clarify an issue about muscles...the body has 3 types
of muscle...cardiac muscle of the heart, smooth muscle of the gut,
and striated muscle of the skeletal system...they are not the same.

Jackie sent:
More on PD and the Heart

Parkinson's Affects the Heart Too

      Parkinson's disease is typically perceived as a
brain disorder that causes people to twitch and shake
uncontrollably, but new research indicates the heart
suffers too.
      Scientists at the U.S. National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke, a division of the
National Institutes of Health, used positron emission
topography (PET) to examine the hearts of 29 Parkinson's
disease patients. They found that nearly all of the patients
had damaged nerve endings around their heart. These nerve
endings are responsible for producing a chemical called norepinephrine,
which play a role in sending signals between
nervous cells.