

DR. Romero,
If ref to your reply to Sue, I am a tremor only Parkie, and I have tried
amantadine (three months) and sinemet ( about 7 or 8 days @ 25/100 dose)
with no reduction of tremors. I also tried Artane for 9 weeks in increasing
dose, up to about 9 mg per day. I was getting some relief but was feeling
light headed and dizzy, which I did not like. I guess maybe I should try the
artane again and stick with it maybe at a lower dose. My DR has no
suggestion as to what I should try. Does this possibly mean that I am a PWP
that will be unable to get any relief from medications and surgery would be
the only remaining option?

Lanier Maddux       Chattanooga Tn.

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