

hi all

on  Mon, 11 Sep 2000 10:19:01 +0200, bern wrote:
>Hello all, I am now back in Austria after a week in the UK. I was met at
>the airports and pushed in a wheel chair right to the plane and then to
>the lugage after arrival. I hadtwo blocks or freezes and shook all
>over.People were very kind and helpful. The stewardesses were great and
>got me seated and comfortable. What impressed me most was that I was
>smiled at. Yes smiles were for me not the usual stares it seems as if
>the awareness of Parkinson's is more advanced now. By the way the
>airoplane line was the  Lufthansa. and no I have no financial dealings
>with them. Bern......Peace.

that is wonderful news, bern!
and echoes my experience recently on a canada/usa trip
[recounted in my post "knock knock"]

i am convinced that pd awareness has been growing by leaps and bounds
and the majority of that has to be due to our being able to
'exploit' michael j. fox's celebrity

hmmmm ... i wonder if he'd like to join us
on the "mars mambo express"?

with love


janet paterson
53 now / 44 dx cd / 43 onset cd / 41 dx pd / 37 onset pd
tel: 613 256 8340 url: ""
email: [log in to unmask] smail: POBox 171 Almonte Ontario K0A 1A0 Canada