

No thanks Camilla,
After almost dying in 1996, I pretty well have faced all of
those things, and I really don't want to be reminded.
Think I'll stick with JAG!!!

just me,

At 06:58 PM 09/11/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>Friends-- if you can receive USA's public TV, I hope you are aware of a
>very special series which started Monday night--- a four-part series on
>death and dying hosted by by Bill Moyers.
>We watched the first part last night, and it was excellent. We plan to
>watch it tonight and the next two nights, and are taping it. It deals with
>such things as Hospice care, and other end of life decisions.
>Our local station is re-rerunning  the 1st part tonight right after the 2nd
>one airs  from 9-10:30 PM.
>I encourage everyone who can to watch this very thoughtful and
>thought-provoking  series.
>Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
>Oxford, Ohio
>             <[log in to unmask]>
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