

Jobs "linked to Parkinson's"

Monday, 11 September, 2000, 23:38 GMT 00:38 UK - People who work with
solvents such as petrol or rubber have a high risk of developing
Parkinson's disease, according to a study.

They are also more likely to show symptoms of the disease early in life and
risk developing a more severe form of the disease than those who do not
work with solvents.

The study, carried out by researchers in Italy, suggests that the risks are
greatest among people who work with hydrocarbon solvents.

These solvents are found in common petroleum-based products such as paints,
glues and rubber.

As a result, the researchers suggest that painters, mechanics and printers
are some of the most "at risk" jobs.

"Risky" jobs: Mechanics; Printers; Painters; people working with petroleum,
rubber and plastic.

Doctors at the Parkinson Institute in Milan studied almost 1,000 patients
with the disease.

It found that people who had worked with hydrocarbon solvents were likely
to develop symptoms of Parkinson's three years before somebody who did not.

They also revealed that the severity of the disease was greatest among
those who worked in "at risk" jobs.

The study found that most of those who had been exposed to hydrocarbon were
mostly male and less educated than those who were not exposed.

The doctors said their findings showed a need for further research.

Dr Gianni Pezzoli, of the Parkinson Institute, said the study raised
serious questions.

"These findings raise serious questions about specific occupational risk.

"This study more than merits further investigation into job-related
Parkinson's risk factors."

Parkinson's disease is generally regarded as a brain disorder.

It is a progressive disease which attacks the part of the brain which
controls movement.

Drugs are currently used to treat the disease but their success is limited
and the side-effects can be significant.

There is no cure and treatments only last a few years.

The symptoms are caused by the loss of cells in a certain part of the brain
that produce dopamine - an important message-carrying chemical or
neurotransmitter linked with movement.

But no one has been able to find out why those cells get destroyed in the
first place.

Around 120,000 people in the UK have Parkinson's disease.

Related to this story:
Pesticides 'can cause brain damage' (08 Sep 00 | Health)
Parkinson's disease breakthrough (05 Sep 00 | Health)
Parkinson's linked to insecticide use (05 May 00 | Health)

Internet links:
Parkinson's Disease Society
American Academy of Neurology

BBC News Online: Health

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