


Thanks for sending this warning Kelly,
This actually happened to me, but I wasn't burned that badly.
To those of you who want to believe this is a hoax, be my guests!!
 I have the scars to prove it can and does happen.
Only I was boiling water to make instant potatoes and it didn't
look as if it were boiling to me, so I was going to put in salt,
pepper and butter and re-heat.  I guess all you chemistry majors
know what happened when the salt hit that water.

just me,


This is a "forward" item I received. I don't know whether or not this is a
hoax but I decided to err on the side of caution and forward to you.



The following information is important for anyone using a microwave oven to
heat water. This information should be a topic of discussion at work or at

Recap of a recent real event:

"About two weeks ago, my 26 year old son decided to have a cup of instant
coffee. He took a cup of water and put it in the microwave to heat it up
(something he has done numerous times before).  I'm not sure how long he set
the timer for, but he told me he wanted to bring the water to a boil. When
the oven timer shut off, he removed  the cup from the oven.
