

hi all

At 07:52 2000/09/14 +0100, simon wrote, in part:
>It appears that some people have arrived at the wrong conclusion
>about what I do for Parkinson's on the Internet and why I do it...
>This is a bit surprising given I have consistently said I am donating
>my services and will continue to do so, and have politely declined
>any request to tender on a commercial basis...
>I'm here because Parkinson's killed my mother, because my Father and
>I spent a lot of time trying to help the PDS recover from a terrible
>period in its history, and because I (foolishly perhaps) feel that
>using my expertise and resources to assist Parkinson's Disease
>activity on the Internet is the best thing I can do for the cause at
>this time...
>Before anyone extrapolates that to thinking I've got aspirations to
>extend my involvement into the working of Parkinson's organisations,
>its pretty clear to me that remaining focused is essential, not only
>to remain effective, but because I'm due to become rather busy in Feb
>(baby on the way)...
>I hope this clears up any confusion once and for all, and any
>whispering can now cease...

simon, people will see what they want to see, period.
(that's where "wysiwyg" originated!)

the people who you care about and who care about you
are the people whose opinions are the most important.

someone started a similar 'whisper' campaign about me
in bermuda shortly after i was diagnosed with pd in 1988.
the rumour was that i quit my then job because i was so
'disabled' by pd. my friends were outraged, but i just
shrugged it off. i knew that the reason i had quit my job
was because i was in the throes of starting my own business,
and i simply told my friends that the truth will out
when i hit the streets, catalogues and samples in hand
by the armful! oddly enough, the rumour monger eventually
became a customer of mine! (five years later!)

why would anyone start such a campaign of untruths?
i don't know, and i honestly don't care. whatever their
reasoning or motive is, it has nothing to do with me or
my values.

there is nothing that you need feel defensive about.
your actions now and over the years speak for themselves
to anyone with half a pea brain.

selfless generosity is a mystery to some.
but not to me. and i applaud it in you.

(and i probably don't say that enough ... so ...)

selfless generosity is a mystery to some.
but not to me. and i applaud it in you.


and btw, i always tell your father's 'diana' story
about being 'the pusher' whenever i get a chance!

janet paterson
53 now / 44 dx cd / 43 onset cd / 41 dx pd / 37 onset pd
tel: 613 256 8340 url: ""
email: [log in to unmask] smail: POBox 171 Almonte Ontario K0A 1A0 Canada