

Hi again, Sandy -

I'll let Joao Paulo speak for himself as to why he was asking, but I'm
guessing it's because STN does seem to help with dystonia, which may be
causing the diaphram rigidity.   It also helps considerably with rigidity in
the limbs, so I suspect it might positively affect the diaphram.

If you'd like more info about DBS, feel free to write me.


 Yes have briefly considered DBS: but chickened out on the day of surgical
 consult. You see for the first eight years of having pd I had to rely on my
 emotional strength for a I was misdiagnosed as psychosymatically causing my
 symptoms.  I have a fear that something would go wrong and I would lose my
 mental capabilities.  There is always a risk.  I would be interested in
 knowing the reason you are asking?  Thanks so much for the question>