

  dear all
     after being frustrated with jack's digestive problems, i purchased
kathryne's book
 and what a difference !!!   first it took a while to convince jack that he
would have to
 change his eating habits.    i made the change gradually and after about 2
months of
following kathryne's advice, he has been able to get off the
fiber---citrocel ---completely
 and is now  cut back on laxatives which i think we can soon eliminate that
     it has helped him more in my opinion to feeling better able to cope
with the pd
than the neuros ideas. all  they seem to be concerned with is the meds but
do not explain
how very important water intake and diet helps.   she uses plain talk and
does show how to
avoid going to hospital due to severe constipation..  this has been such a
big help to me as
 caregiver i felt i should share with new list members.