

What does my Parkie do when I go to the ER at 2am.

This topic caught my attention because I have been in a similar
But I am the Parkie not the CG. This is what happened a year ago.

My husband went to the ER at 3am, but  not for heart or stroke. His
entire digestive stystem went on strike and his GERD had turned into a
medical emergency.  The worst case —  surgery!

Now I manage quite well when the meds are working but I have been
assessed by occupational therapists who think I should not be alone
because when I am ‘off'‘
I can't walk or get up from the bed without help.

There is no family nearby --mine is 1500 miles to the west, his is 2000
to the east.

Fortunately I was ‘on' and he could walk so together we set out pills,
water,  juice, crackers,  phone, address book, & TV Remote — and my
duvet --- beside the chair I can get up from.

He went off in a taxi and I settled down to nap under the duvet.  The
reason I was so calm was that the next morning a caregiver was due to
arrive and I knew that I could manage for 5 or 6 hours. It might be
miserable but I could do it.

Every thing worked out well. I kept in contact with the hospital,
surgery was not needed, the CG got me washed, dressed and fed, and we
went in a taxi to pick up
my husband.
You could call it "All's well that ends well"

What we learned from this.
Make a Plan
Be Prepared
Be organized
Don't be surprised
Get the Parkie accustomed to a caregiver
More than one caregiver should know the parkie routine
Have backup caregivers and backups for them

Do we follow our own advice?  Of course not!
Anne Rutherford
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