

Oh Joy, oh happiness!  M'puter's back - all fixed 'n just like new
("new:" being like it was when I bought it five years ago - not
like it's a macho-stud-like-don't-it-beat-all year 2000 computer!)
<DARN> (grin).)

Many thanks to those of ya who phoned me while I was off-line.   I
treasure each and every one of you for your thoughtfulness...

BOY, did I feel like there was a big whole in my life with no
'puter to connect to when I got  up each morning - A real void!
But most of all, I missed my List family- atsa YOU,  people!

BY the way, I sure appreciate being able to pick and chose what I
wanted to do vis a vis setting the nomail to run while I was off
line and and being able to reset my settings back to mail delivery
again.  PIECE OF CAKE!  Thanks to the creative genius who made it
so easy for all of us to effortlessly and swiftly tweak, or change
our List-settings!

John C. Isn't the PDIndex your "baby?"

 I STRONGLY urge those of you who have yet to browse this terrific
asset in the "things Parkinson's" world DO take some time to
peruse the PD INDEX at

<BIG sigh> It's SO good to be back....

Barb Mallut
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Barb Mallut
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