

UK online

Officially launched by Prime Minister Tony Blair on September 11, UK
online is a partnership effort between the government, businesses,
and trade and consumer groups "to make Britain a leading knowledge
economy." This effort will include establishing 6,000 Internet
training centers, creating a national online learning initiative
(learndirect) that offers one million courses a year by 2002,
increasing resources to help UK businesses get online (UK online for
business), and attempting to place all Government services online by
2005. While many of UK online's features are still in development,
the site does offer a number of useful resources at present. These
include a listing of currently open Internet training centers, a
number of online government services, and the UK online for business
site. As UK online will soon serve as a single point of entry for all
UK government information and services, any users who regularly
access these sites will want to track its development. [MD]

From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2000.

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