

I guess I'm just the opposite, I have a very high threshold for pain,
but a very low tolerance for medication of any kind. I still am
only able to handle (4) 25/100 Sinemet per 24 hours.
My pain medication is 3 Tylenols.  I always end up having an
allergic reaction to pain medication.
Except for "Charlie Horses" in the middle of the night, when I
have obviously run out of Sinemet, my pain, and I have quite
a lot of it, is from my Osteoarthritis. I start physical therapy
on 19 Sept. for the bone spurs and the Osteo in my neck.
I sometimes feel like I'm a barometer because I can tell the
weather by my Osteo pain.

My Neurologist if one of several who run a Pain Clinic down
here in South Florida.  Do you have any Pain Clinics where you live?

Take Care!
just me,

At 01:29 AM 09/16/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>Good early morning List family,
>I am interested in knowing how many plwp's are having difficulty with pain
>management.  This could be pain of any kind.  In reference to myself,  I
>have pain from rigidity.  I have pain from the extreme dyskinesias I have.
>During these dyskinesias I can get charlie horses.  I have pain from the
>offs.  I feel like the tin man on the wizard of oz at times.  In my
>situation I have an extremely high threshold for pain.  Plus a high
>threshold to drugs.  I am finding my local neuro reluctant to treat the
>pain.  I have another neuro at the teaching facility at the Bowman
>Gray/Baptist Hospital at Wake Forest.  I believe I am going to seek him
>out.  This could be a very serious situation.  It is already affecting my
>quality of life.  Anyone willing to share...Many thanks in advance...
>Sandy Norris 40/28/20
>"Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see."