

At 13:09 2000/09/16 -0500, donald wrote:
>I have recently joined this list.  I find that
>abbreviations are used. Will soomeone please
>define the following terms?
>        PD
>        IMOHO
>        MJF
>        PWP
>        PLWP
>        CG
>Thank you for any help you can give.
>Donald R Woods
>[log in to unmask]

hi donald

please refer to the acronym update at my web-site in the
"the pieNET: next things next:" section for newbies at:

you may find that IMOHO is not there - but, imho, it's probably a typo anyway!

MJF hasn't made it to any acronym list that i know of
but a person's initials are the ultimate acronym, aren't they, drw?

PLWP is probably not on the list and i will make sure it is added
but it stands for People Living With Parkinson's
and refers to a great web-site at:

if you cannot access the wwweb, just let me know
and i will e-mail you the acronym list in the plain text version

btw, i have made this offer previously in re
any document on the wwweb for
any listmember who can't access the wwweb
and my offer still stands

just another pieNET list elfet

the best acronyms to watch out for, again, imho,
are LOLO and IYQ!

janet paterson
53 now / 44 dx cd / 43 onset cd / 41 dx pd / 37 onset pd
tel: 613 256 8340 url: ""
email: [log in to unmask] smail: POBox 171 Almonte Ontario K0A 1A0 Canada