

Hi, Nancy,
For now I'm in the category of Parkinson Plus Disease/Syndrome. Atypical PD
would be another term though it hasn't been used much with me.  I have some
of the symptoms of PD; meds don't work very well, and I have been informed
that my brain stem is not the brain stem of a PDer.  To date Shy Drager has
been scratched. As for the others- PSP, CBGD, MSA's-OPCA, SND-I don't fit
any of the profiles at this time.  Alzheimer's has also been scratched.

I hope this clarifies some of/any of your queries.  I, too, am in the
dark-working my way toward the light.

May we all walk in the headdress of the sun

 10:50 PM 9/16/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>hi edith.
>can u explain what u mean by PD+ ??Parkinsons disease plus, atypical PD,
>multiple system atrophy?? shy drager? or SND? or opca?