

Friends-- I received this from a friend on another list, and because I
liked the suggestions of the counselor, I got her permission to post it
here---FWIW to anyone of either list:
S.T. wrote:
>i just got back from seeing the  counselor about depression prevention.
>This guy has specialized in depression, and I really like him.  I got more
>ideas in one hour than some counselors have offered over months of
>1)  Treat depression like diabetes:  something you have and need to manage,
>but if managed it needn't be life-threatening or limiting.

>2)  Keep a schedule.  He said what I've discovered on my own--I don't do
>well with a completely fluid schedule.

>3)  Eat regularly and well.

>4)  Make a plan with/for your support system.  Ask
>friend(s)/family/co-workers to do something if  they notice your behavior
>moving toward a depressed pattern.  I'm a little fuzzy on this one.  I
>don't know that there is anyone in my life who notices unless I tell them
>how I'm feeling, and when I'm depressed enough to 'fess up about it it's
>too late.  I just look too damned competent and I cover well, I guess.  Any
>ideas?  Did anyone notice my depression before I mentioned being suicidal
>last winter?

>5)  Go back up on my dosage of Zoloft before I feel a need for it.  (I cut
>down for summer.)

>6)  Use the light box --he's going to do some research on exactly how to use
>it & e-mail it to me.
(She suffers from SAD--Seasonal Affective Disorder --in winter, and light
therapy seems to help her.)

>7)  Give my husband something he can do to help me, even if it's the
>equivalent of
>boiling water during childbirth.  I think I'll come up with some meals he
>can prepare when I'm down - hopefully something equally simple but a little
>better than his usual frozen pot pies.
I think it's good to have ideas for things we cxn do to help ourselves,
that don't depend on meds.
Perhapos others would add some tips from their experience?

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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