

Many years ago I got seriously depressed. Nothing was right or good in the
world, nothing was satisfactory, nothing tasted worth eating, it only
rained, no-one could offer consolation. I knew I was depressed but I
couldn't convince myself to shake it off, and I slowly slid deeper and
deeper. Why it happened I don't know, but I had an inspiration. I went down
to the train station, just as I was, I bought a ticket to my old home and I
boarded the next train. Before the train had gone 50 miles, so had my
depression. The sun shone, we passed by hedgrows full of spring flowers, my
spirit lifted by the mile, and when I finally got where I was going I met
many old friends and spent several enjoyable days recuperating. Why did it
work? I think because doing something uncharacteristically different gave me
the opportunity to take control of my life again. When I finally got back
into my normal routine it was in the knowledge that I was no longer trapped
by it. Any time I could just go and buy a ticket..... but to this day I
never needed to.
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