

At 09:39 AM 09/21/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi Marjorie and All,
>Guess what the Honorable Senator is up to today...
>Mr. BROWNBACK submitted nine amendments intended to be proposed by him
>to the bill (S . 2015 ) to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide
>for research with respect to human embryonic stem cells; as follows:

Now Murray,
Do you see why I'd like to be the one to take that young man to the woodshed??
This bill, on 31 Jan. 2000, has been waiting to get to a vote. That is
almost 9 months
ago.  He doesn't even have the decency to try to filibuster the bill, he
wants to sink
it one amendment at a time.  I believe his term is up this year, pray that they
vote this "Candidate to Larned " out of office.

just me,
Marjorie, who is sick and tired of being sick and tired!!!