

On 21 Sep 2000, at 19:30, Barb_MSN wrote:
> Oh Joy, oh happiness!  M'puter's back - all fixed 'n just like new
> ("new:" being like it was when I bought it five years ago - not
> like it's a macho-stud-like-don't-it-beat-all year 2000 computer!)
> <DARN> (grin).)
> Many thanks to those of ya who phoned me while I was off-line.   I
> treasure each and every one of you for your thoughtfulness...
> BOY, did I feel like there was a big whole in my life with no
> 'puter to connect to when I got  up each morning - A real void!
> But most of all, I missed my List family- atsa YOU,  people!
> <smile>
> BY the way, I sure appreciate being able to pick and chose what I
> wanted to do vis a vis setting the nomail to run while I was off
> line and and being able to reset my settings back to mail delivery
> again.  PIECE OF CAKE!  Thanks to the creative genius who made it
> so easy for all of us to effortlessly and swiftly tweak, or change
> our List-settings!
> John C. Isn't the PDIndex your "baby?"
>  I STRONGLY urge those of you who have yet to browse this terrific
> asset in the "things Parkinson's" world DO take some time to
> peruse the PD INDEX at
> <BIG sigh> It's SO good to be back....
> Barb Mallut
> [log in to unmask]

Hey Barb,
I'm glad you're back... you're missing all the stuff on how
Congress "works"...

I heartily recommend PDIndex too and while John C. is responsible
for many other small miracles, this one is Phil Tompkins...

Here is a tiny snippet from

Who is responsible for PD Index?
Phil Tompkins, a person with Parkinson's disease, who has received
significant amounts of help from others.
Creating and updating PD Index is a voluntary effort on behalf of people
with Parkinson's disease and their families and friends, to all of whom
this facility is dedicated.

All the best ...... murray

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