

Murray Charters wrote:

> This is the text of the Bill followed by the text of the amendments...

<<big snip>>

> ---------------------------------
> BROWNBACK AMENDMENTS NOS. 4140-4153 (Senate - September 19, 2000)

<<big snip>>

> Amendment No. 4154
> At the appropriate place, insert the following:
> The Secretary of Commerce shall prohibit the export (as such term is
> defined in section 16 of the Export Administration Act of 1979
> (50 U.S.C. App 2415)) from the United States of any human embryo or part
> thereof.

Didn't janet just send through a news release about researchers
at the University of Adelaide in Austraila that  is waiting for
a shipment of stem cells from Madison, Wisconsin (University of Wisconsin).

(the U Wis. foundation was established with private alumni funding).

they have a technique that works in an animal model,
and want to see if it can be done with human cells.

think of the implications if this research is blocked.
the end of international collaboration on this issue.
standardization and reproducability would become very difficult,
and detours take time.

i thought republicans were for smaller government?
less government interference?
more freedoms?

maybe it just applies to big business...
other areas require their meddling?

i'm worried now!

<<snip again>>

> What Do The 23 Amendments Mean?
> The 23 Amendments mean an unsuspecting Canadian snipe hunter
> has just been ambushed by a Senator from Kansas
> The last 9 amendments mean Marjorie was absolutely correct.
> Best regards ...... murray

                    Ray Strand
...on the edge of the prairie abyss ......................
            48/47 dx/40 ?onset
The ultimate measure of a man
 is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience,
 but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy
                                ---Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr..