

No Don,
He wasn't removed from the list, he left on his own accord, because of
something someone falsely accused him of.
He's a good honest guy who can spot a fake from 500 yards.

just me,

At 03:07 PM 09/23/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>I am so glad lot of you enjoyed his home page. I do not rember him on the
>list. there is so much i have forgotten and I cry at times because of
>it  why he was taken off i to don't know. as BARB P. CAN ONLY DO IT.  she
>must of had a reason or he left on his own. AS BARB IS NOT ONE TO BE
>HATEFUL. she put up for years with me. so in my mind she is the
>greatest.  when I WENT TO THE HOME PAGES  lot of them came back to me ass
>i do have picture on my wall and letters from lot of them. my life is to
>help PWP'S.  but my keyboard can't spell. or does itt have the sweet words
>to put on paper. it is not a pleasant life to live but live we all do all
>bad things can have a good  thing to it. it might not be best life to live
>but we all can learn from it. life is great but a life we have. as
>GOD  did not have a perfect life. so we just got to make the best of what
>we got.   so we must LOVE ALL. SO LOOK FOR THE GOOD NOT THE BAD.
>                                                       I.Y.Q.  DON  AND
>                                                          LOVE OF MY LIFE
> -55----------------------------------------------------
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