

         Loneliness, I think, comes with knowing that the people around us,
no matter how kind, cannot walk in our shoes.  So we feel alone in our skin.
Still, we can take all the kindness we can get (and try to give it back).  And
when that's not enough, we have each other to "talk" to.  And we DO understand
what those shoes feel like.  WE (this group) really are in this together and
for that I am so grateful.

At 08:02 PM 9/23/2000 +0200, you wrote:
>How many of the PWP's are lonely.? I have noticed that lately I am getting
>more like a Hermit. I have no go in me. I do not want to get out and about
>as it is too much effort. I enjoy company when they visit the wife and I.
>Then I just want to creep back into my shell and stay there. I have
>medication for depression so it cannot be that. I am generally up to things
>and I have developed a thick skin as to my Parky symptoms. If I shake then I
>shake (so what) My face is a mask and I drag my feet (so what) I am not
>making my point very well. Perhaps that is too what I am talking about. Any
>others with the same symptoms and what do you do about it.

I plan to live forever---so far so good.

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