

>    We are looking for people to help us help someone  with PD.  Please
>take a look by clicking on this link -
>Thanks tnpeg, chasmob,tpfrph   We all belong to People Living with
>Parkinson's PLWP as well as frequent posters  at yahoo
>boards and the mass General Board at
>the Parkinson's board.   Thank you for looking!

Tim-- I don't know where you and the friend live, but often companies are
updating and will donate or sell very cheaply hardware that is in good
shape, but not new enough for their purposes.  Are there any such you could
approach for him? How about  publicity in a local paper--with his
permission and not using his name, etc.?  perhaps you've already explored
other channels---but I know that used PCs are often discarded when people
upgrade.  Thanks for your concern....

        Camilla Flintermann

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                                "Love People----
                                 ----- Use Things"