

The smell of success

Wednesday, 27 September, 2000, 04:32 GMT 05:32 UK - Scientists believe our
sense of smell played a crucial role in evolution, helping our Stone Age
ancestors to hunt, avoid poisonous food and even select a mate.

By comparing tiny variations in the DNA sequences of chimps and humans,
researchers in Israeli have concluded that changes in about 1,000 smell
receptor genes contributed to the rise of the human race.

The new study suggests that although we no longer need our sophisticated
sense of smell to survive in the modern world, the sense still plays an
important role, perhaps in sexual attraction.

The authors believe smell receptors are one of the few examples of adaptive
molecular evolution in humans - mutations in DNA that gave our ancestors an
advantage over other early humans.

The team, based at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel,
compared segments of human and chimp DNA.

They focused on a region, located on human chromosome 17, which contains
about 1,000 smell receptor genes used to detect different odours.

In humans, about half of these are functional genes. The others, known as
pseudogenes, are silent, and are no longer used.

A comparison of the DNA sequences of humans with those of chimps gives
clues to how and why our keen sense of smell evolved.

The researchers found that the olfactory genes we use today had evolved
through the mechanism of positive or advantageous selection.

"Imagine everyone has the same gene and thus the same ability and then one
human is born with a mutation in that gene and it changes its ability for
the better," said Yoav Gilad, who carried out much of the research.

"It's got a better sense of smell now. It can smell something that only he
can smell, others cannot.

"Let's say this smell is a smell of a poisonous plant. He knows by a smell
that it is bad for him, while others might try it. It gives him an
advantage. We call that a greater fitness.

"Sooner than later, everybody will have this mutation, this new variant of
gene, because this is an advantageous mutation."

The work raises an intriguing question: why maintain a sharp sense of smell
when it is no longer needed?

One theory is that smell, even today, plays a role in sexual attraction.

Commenting on the study, Dr Mark Seielstad, of the Harvard School of Public
Health, Boston, Massachusetts, US, said there were data to suggest that our
choice of partner was influenced by body chemicals.

"These days it is difficult to imagine a circumstance where our own
survival has hinged on the ability to sense a particular odourant," said Dr
Seielstad, "But evidence indicating that our choice of mates may be
influenced by the sense of smell continues, surprisingly, to accumulate."

The research is published in the journal Nature Genetics.

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Internet links:
Weizmann Institute of Science
Nature Genetics

BBC News Online: Sci/Tech

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