

Your wit, humor, advice, and memories will be sorely missed!  If I know
this group just from my short residence, everything that needs to be said
will be said to you upon your return.  May your walk in the headdress of
the sun prove to be one of adventure and economic advantage!
Most sincerely,

At 12:11 PM 9/28/2000 +0930, you wrote:
>Seeing as my company has seen fit to lay me off, due to lack of work, I will
>shortly lose access to this miracle of the age and won't be able to keep up
>with you all. I'll look in on the list from time to time, just to make sure
>you're all behaving yourselves :-} but I won't be receiving regular mails.
>As soon as I can re-equip myself (or get another employer to do so,) I'll be
>back (said like Schwarzenegger). Until then, yo' all be good to each other!
>50 <1 48